St. James Parish
Parish Address: 2118 Adjala-Tecumseth Townline, Colgan ON L0G 1W0
Phone: 905-936-4266
Email: stjamesco@archtoronto.org


Message from the parish!
Greetings! For those preparing to receive their First Reconciliation and First Communion, St. James in Colgan is pleased to present an online preparation program from HopeStone called “The Way.”
The program includes six pre-recorded videos, including three sessions preparing for First Reconciliation and an additional three to prepare for First Communion.
The program is designed such that candidates will have to finish each pre-recorded video before moving onto the next session.
To register to receive First Communion here at the parish, please observe the following steps:
a. Complete the online First Communion registration form, even if you have completed a sacramental prep course already.
After submitting your confirmation registration form, HopeStone will send you a link to watch the online program.
Once a video has been released, the candidate can watch it independently at his or her convenience, while the parish can track his or her progress remotely.
b. Submit a copy of the candidate’s baptismal certificate and a registration fee of $25, although no fee is required if you have completed sacramental prep beforehand.
After completing this form, please submit a copy of the candidate’s baptismal certificate and a $25 registration fee to the parish office at St. James in Colgan in a sealed envelope marked “First Communion Registration” along with the candidate’s name.
Office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 pm to 5 pm, but you can also drop off the certificate and fee in a secure drop box at the side of the parish office.
If you were baptized at St. James, St. Mary’s or St. Francis Xavier, please contact the parish office at stjamesco@archtoronto.org or 905-936-4266 to let us know approximately when the candidate was baptized to assist us in finding his or her records.
If you have already completed sacramental prep for First Communion, please complete the “First Communion Registration Form” (see earlier), and ensure that we have a copy of the candidate’s baptismal certificate. However, you will not be required to pay an additional fee or take the online course.
c. Fill out a parish registration form only if your closest parish geographically is a church other than St. James, St. Mary’s or St. Francis Xavier.
d. Download the “Examination of Conscience” and “Step-by-Step Guide for First Confession” below and review these documents with the candidate in preparation for First Reconciliation.
You may bring a copy of these documents to the candidate’s First Reconciliation, although copies will be made available on the actual date as well.
e. Register for one of the First Reconciliation dates on Eventbrite:
Here are the available dates for First Reconciliation:
Wed. May. 11, 2022 at 7:00 pm
Wed. May. 18, 2022 at 7:00 pm
f. Register for one of the First Communion dates on Eventbrite:
Here are the available dates for First Communion:
Fri. May. 13, 2022 at 7:00 pm
Fri. May. 20, 2022 at 7:00 pm
Click on the following link for a list of frequently asked questions:
If you have further questions or concerns, please contact the parish office at stjamesco@archtoronto.org or 905-936-4266.


A journey for the whole family
A First Reconciliation and First Communion preparation program meant to bring the whole family into the experience.
Dedicating 6 sessions for the child preparing for their Sacraments
and 6 sessions that are separate yet complementary for parents/caregivers. Parents we are hoping that you will watch the short video with your child and assist them in their activity.
We then have something special planned for you that includes reflections and personal testimonies from a range of amazing individuals.
Each session can be completed in 20 minutes.
Session 1 - "The Journey"
God's creation, our gifts, our journey.
Session 2 - "The Climb"
Our sin, His Grace, our Saviour.
Session 3 - "The Refresh"
Part 1: Reconciliation, forgiveness, mercy.
Part 2: Mock First Reconciliation
Part 3: Examination of Conscience
Session 4 - "The Campsite"
Our hunger, nourishment, refueling.
Session 5 - "The Trial"
The supper, the sacrifice, the rising.
Session 6 - "The Summit"
Part 1: The celebration, the Eucharist, the Joy!
Part 2: Mock First Communion
Part 3: Church Tour
Thank you for being apart of this First Reconciliation & Communion Preparation. We truly hope and pray that it was fruitful. For more information about our Ministry visit www.hopestone.ca or follow us on Social Media @hopestonecf
God bless!
Peter, Stacey and the HopeStone Team
