St. Joseph the Worker
Parish Address: 1100 Mary Street North, Oshawa, ON, L1G 5G8
Tel: 905-432-2300
Parish Email: stjwparish@outlook.com
Contact Email: Kristin Boyd SJTWconfirmation@gmail.com

Message from the parish!
For Confirmation candidates who have only partially completed their sacramental prep at St. Joseph the Worker in Oshawa last year but were unable to receive the sacrament because of the pandemic, our parish is pleased to offer two pre-recorded videos from a program called “The Mark” presented by HopeStone to complete your preparation.
Since the candidate has already registered to receive Confirmation at our parish, there is no need to submit an additional registration form or monetary fee.
For privacy purposes, however, HopeStone is required to receive from us your email address before you can access the video sessions from their website, so please click below to register.
Complete form by Fri. Apr. 9, 2021 if you would like to receive Confirmation this year and have already partially completed our course before the pandemic.
Both videos will be released on Sun. Apr. 18, 2021.
Once a video has been released, you can watch it independently at your convenience, while the parish can track your progress remotely.
The first video must be completed before moving onto the next session.
Our parish catechist will contact each family before the completion of the course to check in on the candidates’ progress.
Some important dates to note:
1. REGISTRATION DEADLINE – Fri. Apr. 9, 2021.
2. PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT (ONLINE) – Fri. Apr. 16, 2021 at 7:00 pm.
A Zoom link will be forwarded to the candidate’s family upon receipt of a completed registration form.
3. REHEARSAL NIGHT – Thurs. Apr. 29, 2021 at 7:00 pm (held at the parish).
4. CONFIRMATION MASS – arrive 50 minutes in the parish hall before the start of Mass (held at parish).
Sun. May 2, 2021 at 1:00 pm – candidates from St. Joseph’s School; and
Sun. May 2, 2021 at 3:00 pm – candidates from St. Anne’s & all other schools.
No retreat is required for this cohort of students.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the parish at 905-432-2300 or stjwparish@outlook.com.

The Mark Promo Video

About The Mark
HopeStone, a Catholic lay organization wanted to give parishes, schools and families an opportunity to journey through Confirmation Preparation in an interesting, easy to understand and family friendly experience.
There are 6 sessions within this program.
Each session will begin with a prayer, followed by a talk regarding an aspect of Confirmation and then finished with a personal testimony.
Each session will have 3 questions that are meant for submitting, which your parish leaders will receive.
Session should take approximately 20-30minutes.
Below is a short summary about the program:
Session 1 - "The One"
- Who is God, where did He come from and was He created?
Session 2 - "The Holy"
- Who is Jesus, where and why did He come? Why did He have to die?
Session 3 - "The Catholic"
- The Holy Spirit and how the church was established.
Session 4 - "The Apostolic"
- Who are the Apostles were and why they were important?
- Along with information about Pentecost.
Session 5 - "The Church"
- What is the church? What does it mean to be a part of the church?
Session 6 - "The Mark"
- What does Confirmation mean for your soul?
- How and why is it important in your life?
Thank you for being apart of this Confirmation Preparation. We truly hope and pray that it was fruitful. For more information about our Ministry visit www.hopestone.ca or follow us on Social Media @hopestonecf
God bless!
Peter, Stacey and the HopeStone Team
